Vormeilli's Travels

Mindblade Action

Casting Spells

Sunday, October 23, 2005
...on the road again...
It felt good to be in the open again; where danger and loot loomed. It was difficult to ignore the 100 or so travelling companions that were also sent as guards, as well as three other parties such as ourselves, but I imagine we'll lose them soon enough in the mountains as we set off in our separate directions. The Lady requested a designated leader to represent each party and meet with her each day. Since Ro-Batoul memorizes entire books for giggles, it seemed wise to send somebody that could remember each meeting from the first to the last word for word. She apparantly requested that each party take turns taking point farther ahead of the caravan, and this was easily scheduled.

It has been a few days. So far we have taken care of some large wolverines and trolls, and even had our camp invaded by stupid disease ridden rats. We burned the rats after their demise, but the stench was so strong that I cast a spell that eliminated the scent, for at least long enough to get through the worst of it without passing out. The trolls were certainly the most difficult we have faced so far on the trip, but we have our own diverse tricks in order to survive quite nicely.
Cathar did some serious shopping for some dependable healing for when Morgan and I get too tired or too distracted with combat to heal enough. It is a wise thought, as anything can happen on the open road. He did find a powerful statue that heals wounds twice a day for around 4500 gold pieces. The party worked together financially so we could purchase and utilise this investment during our time together. I am a little concerned about rights of ownership in case our party disbands, but I should not always think of the financial end, as our party is a honest and good one. I did pitch in 500 gold pieces. I was thinking about buying another jewel with that gold since I can't carry that much, but this has tremendous and on-going value. My share of contribution was low in comparison, but I do have my future business to think about.
I was flitting about town window shopping when Varrel found me and told me that some suspicious scaly characters went into the Throne Room, but the guards wouldn't tell him who they were or their business. I decided it was worth a peak, so I went invisible and through a window for a front row seat of a private royal session. The two scaly creatures were mostly covered, so I could not get a good feel for who and what they were, but they held a threatening conversation with the Lady Protectoress. The basic points included a broken treaty and the need for the Giants to get out of their land. Clearly these fellows felt that the Land of the Diamond Throne belonged to their race, whoever they were. Based on their demeanor, however, I think I prefer the Giants holding the rights. The day went on and I was so distracted during dinner with tales of my shopping that I nearly forgot to mention the new threat. Varrel fortunately filled in the details of which I had shared with him earlier though. Regardless, the next morning's departure meeting included the Lady Protectoress, and a warning to be careful of possible encounters with creatures similar to the Mojh, but of a different type. She called them Dracha, and that they were of a more warrior nature, looking down on their Mojh relatives. They apparantly, according to the Lady, were starting claims of the Diamond Throne and shared how they viewed the longstanding treaty. I felt a little smug that I already was in possession of most of this information. We were then sent off to begin our current task at hand...
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Our Next Adventure
It was the fifth day since we set out from the Keep and when we went to the appointed meeting at dawn. There were many adventurer's, including the Red Halves in attendance. I studied the Lady and her two companions closely as everybody gathered. E-Parin was a warrior giant and sitting on Lady Serane's left. On the Lady's right hand was De Baldrat, who also was a giant. He was introduced as a researcher, and I sensed his akashic abilities were far greater than that of our own Ro-Batoul's. The Lady herself seemed quite the champion, and I sensed great magical knowledge in her, and also of great experience. I was dozing in and out of the rather boring discussion of the possibilities that The Diamond Throne's demise was at hand, but did gather that the akashics around the area have been plagued with a similar dream that involves some sort of lost city in the Bitter Peaks. We were charged to go there, set up base, and seek out magical and items of knowledge for the researchers in order to get to the root of the dream business, which seems to have everybody freaked out. The items that the researchers do not feel pose a danger to the Diamond Throne are for the takings of the finder. We were also offered a stipend of 100 gold a week, so this is no small undertaking. There was more information, but my brain stopped listening as I dreamed of all the jewels and gems found in the Bitter Peaks.
After going straight to meeting place and being told to come back in the morning (Red Halves have not reported in yet as they seem short on mounts), we set out to reserve a room at the Dancing Sword. Tal and I headed off to Arvil's to hopefully take care of some business that could not be handled at the Keep. Tal completed his haggling with Arvil, then I presented my token from his brother and asked if he had an natural armour that would work well for my size. He did have such a piece that he couldn't understand why he bought in the first place, and seemed glad to be rid of it for 1900 gp. That seemed a most reasonable discount, so I gave him two of my precious gems; one valued at 1400gp that I had obtained long ago, and a black pearl valued at 500gp that I received as loot from the Keep victory. I was most sad to give up my jewels, but I really need to ensure I'll be safe on my future adventures. My next purchase was a merchant's scale to help my appraisal abilities, and finally an accounting book to keep track of my gems and coinage. Unfortunately, the book is as big as I am, as I must sit in the book to even write clearly, so I am hoping Tal will carry it for me. I can't decide if he's a friend or just foolish for giving me that moss agate a few months ago, but it has given him a certain charm in my opinion.
We had a relatively peaceful trip to Da-Shamond. The Floating Forest is always full of dangerous beasts and problems, but we were fortunate. The first night we were attacked by trolls, but they were not of consequence. Morgan did feel something wrong with the "green" that she is so connected to, so she went to investigate on her own (a bit foolish in my opinion, but I can see why since it was at night and we should have at least one guard at the camp). She told us the next morning that she witnessed a troll preparation for ritual combat. I was most anxious to go see the results, mostly in the sense of what they left behind in the form of possessions, but apparantly troll rituals do leave some alive, so it probably would be more trouble than it was worth, so we moved on.

Cathar's pet bird made us aware of something off the path on day three, so Cathar and I went to investigate. We found several Rhodin bodies. I do believe Cathar was much remiss that he missed out on a glorious battle. I searched very carefully, and among the pittance of four copper and four platinum pieces, I found a small spryte size ring! This was most excited for me, and I was glad to have taken the time for a thorough search. I brought it back to camp and Ro-Batoul proved his good use with his very akashic ways. He determined that it was 110 years old, and that Ceali Crownleaf, a loresong faen, had created the item. Unfortunately, it doesn't have magical qualities, but spryte rings with any sort of history are hard to find, so I am grateful.

The following (and last) day of our journey to Da-Shamond caught us up with a human company, of which we thanked for killing the Rhoadin we found. Ro-Batoul called to Robert by name (more Akashic mischief), which confused everybody mightily. As I studied them carefully, they appeared to be strong warriors with similar experience and history as us. They also were called to Da-Shamond by similar means, so it's quite possible we will see them again some time. They were referred to as the Red Halves. Bloody hell. I should have detected magic in case we do run into them again on more negative terms.
Monday, October 10, 2005
My efforts with the party for reclaiming the Keep was one of the best investments I've made. I obtained three beautiful and valuable jewels, as well as almost 700 gold pieces. The jewels that are now added to my already fine collection include an emerald (1000 gp), diamond (200 gp), and black pearl (500 gp). As much as it pains me to part with these lovely items, I fear I must to improve my amour protection without losing spell ability. I've looked for natural armour here in the Keep now that it's becoming more established, but spryte sized items aren't exactly rampant. I was fortunate, however, to receive a reference for finding such an item in Da-Shamond, if I should find myself there sometime.

Meanwhile, I found some small trinket jewels during the refurbishment of the Keep that I pocketed. I've been also looking for a book on magical rituals to better assist me during adventuring. I was quite fortunate to locate a giant that noted my staring at the book and offered to sell it. He drove a hard bargain, but seemed happy with the jewels I found along with some gold pieces. I hope to also help with ritual preparation for Tal-Cornis and Ro-Batoul if they so wish to use them since the book covers general and giant rituals. (Ro-Batoul is Ro-Terras' brother who has decided to adventure further with us in Ro-Terras' stead. Ro-Terras is staying on at the Keep...I shall miss him.)

We received a letter requesting our party's presence for some promising adventuring if we travelled to Da-Shamond. I shall look forward to visiting Da-Shamond again, and hopefully find some natural armour!

A spunky spryte-witch that stands at 1'3" ventures out into the unknown from her Harrowdeep home. Vormeili wants to be worldly wise and magic smart.

Readied Mindwitch Spells
Bash * Read Magic * Seeker * Scent Bane * Enchanting Flavour * Mind Stab * Transfer Wounds * Stone Blast * Earth Burst * Beastskin * Earth Hammer

Spryte Abilities
Ghost Sound * Glowglobe * Detect Magic * Charm * Invisibility * The Sight

Travelling Companions

Cathar (Litorian)
Morgan (Human)
Ro-Terrus (giant)
Vormeili often rides his shoulder
Tal-Cornis (Giant)
Yaval (Sebeccai)


April 2004 / May 2004 / June 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 /

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